Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Pursuit of Happiness

Today I sat down to write about the myth in the title of this post and in the process came across a delightful blog.  As I explore this world of blogging and social networking I’m discovering wonderful, intelligent, delightful, interesting people writing about wonderful intelligent, delightful, interesting things, and I’m so excited to be joining them both as a reader and participant.  I’m feeling happy right now.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Choosing Peace

Today is a day to remember to live a different life.  We create individually the lives we live by how we choose to experience whatever happens both internally and outside the self.  We create collectively the world we live in.  Today, let the legacy of those who died 10 years ago today be a legacy of peace, not a justification for more war.  Today, let us choose peace.