Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sarah Palin and The Voices In Our Heads

Listening to the media hype about Sarah Palin this weekend, I’m aware of the lack of substance under all the noise.   There is something disturbing about the amount of money spent to feed one woman’s need for validation, when it could feed so many who are literally hungry.  But I digress.  What I find interesting are the similarities between the attention given to the vacuous voice of the woman who abandoned her job as governor to the people of Alaska, and the attention we often give the voices in our heads that, though they seem true because they’re familiar and loud, are in essence merely shadows of the past with no validity today but for that we give them through passive acceptance.  Just as it’s important to question political rhetoric, so is it vital to our being-ness today to question our internal rhetoric.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

And Now I'm Here, or Let's Talk About Presence

Greetings and salutations!  Welcome if this is your first visit, welcome back and thanks for returning if you’ve been here before.  It’s been just over two weeks since my first blog post and I’m grateful for the wonderful feedback from colleagues, family, and friends, new and old.  What I’m discovering is that the most difficult aspect of writing a regular blog will be keeping it short enough that you’ll find time to read it.  Who would have thought the little girl who was afraid to speak would grow up to be a woman who is afraid people won’t have time to listen because she talks too much?!

Friday, May 6, 2011

I'm He-e-re!! or Welcome to my Blog

Welcome to my blog, an adventure in being seen.

As a therapist I’m sometimes asked about my own life experience by potential or new clients.  Does she know what it’s like to be me?  To live like me?  To suffer or struggle like me?  Will she get me? Has she been in therapy herself?  No to the first three, I hope so to the next, yes to the last.  No one can know what it’s like to be you or live your unique life from your unique perspective.  I do know the common threads that weave through many of our lives.  I know the adaptations children make to their environment and the beliefs about self in the world that often develop in childhood and are carried unconsciously into adulthood, the pain of never being seen or acknowledged.  I’ve suffered abuse, loss, overcome fear, been angry alot, felt powerless alot, been confused, have had difficulty in relationships and experienced great love.  I also know that each of us already has everything we need to heal, grow and claim ourselves today.