Friday, July 15, 2011

Connecting With Spirit

There is a distinct difference in the flow of life when I’m connected with myself on a deep, creative level and when I’m not.  When I’m disconnected from myself I’m not paying attention so don’t make clear decisions based on my intuitive knowing.  I feel vulnerable when I’m disconnected, and in that vulnerability I become irritable, isolate, unconsciously eat to soothe myself, spend time with other disconnected, discontent people if I spend time with anyone.  None of this feeds my soul, to the contrary it takes me away from myself, my spirit, feeds instead the natural internal predator who loves it when I’m disconnected.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Path With Heart

Exploring a new path is simple, though indeed not easy.  What is most important is not to be critical of ourselves when we're thrown off balance, rather to accept those moments as part of the journey and acknowledge the awareness that reminds us of our striving and allows us to continue to move forward.  When we sit in the quiet space within we remember that in creating space for listening, feelings may, in fact often do, arise that are simply body memories of the past.  When the present day self is willing to sit with the past and see it clearly from now, we drain it of its power and, in claiming that power today, free ourselves to live in truth, learning from what has come before rather than feeling trapped or stuck in a past that no longer exists.  

A Path With Heart

Exploring a new path is simple, though indeed not easy.  What is most important is not to be critical of ourselves when we're thrown off balance, rather to accept those moments as part of the journey and acknowledge the awareness that reminds us of our striving and allows us to continue to move forward.  When we sit in the quiet space within we remember that in creating space for listening, feelings may, in fact often do, arise that are simply body memories of the past.  When the present day self is willing to sit with the past and see it clearly from now, we drain it of its power and, in claiming that power today, free ourselves to live in truth, learning from what has come before rather than feeling trapped or stuck in a past that no longer exists.